vendredi 21 décembre 2012

Comic Box 80

Great double page article about Pax Arena on the french magazine Comic Box!

Un superbe article de deux pages sur Pax Arena dans le dernier Comic Box!

Merry Christmas everyone and a thousand thank you for your support!

Un joyeux noel à tous et mille mercis à vous pour votre soutien!

jeudi 20 décembre 2012

Original Comics

Original Comics is a new website specialized in the art for sales. Lot of great people (Madureira, Ramos, and so many others) and great pages, and I have the chance to be part of it.

So if you are interested in buying one of these Vic Boone pages below, you can buy it there!

Original Comics est un nouveau site spécialisé dans la vente de planches. Pleins de gens biens (Madureira, Ramos, et encore beaucoup d'autres) et de planches biens, et j'ai la chance d'en faire partie.

Donc si vous êtes intéressés pour acheter une de ces planches ci-dessous, vous pouvez les acheter là-bas!

mercredi 19 décembre 2012

Vic Boone & Scarce 78

Not only did I realized the cover of Scarce 78, you will find inside a full page speaking of Vic Boone and my graphic style, thanks to the great Xavier Lancel. (French only)

En plus d'avoir fait la couverture du Scarce 78, vous y trouverez une page entière traitant de Vic Boone et de mon style graphique, grâce à Xavier Lancel.

To order Scarce (7,5€+ shipping): Scarce blog or a signed version by myself (I have a few copie left): geoffoarto[at]

Pour commander un exemplaire de Scarce (7,5€ +fdp): via le blog de Scarce ou même une version signée (il m'en reste quelques exemplaires): geoffoarto[at]

I also still have a few copies left of the Vic Boone TPB (15€+ shipping), same mail to contact me.

J'ai toujours quelques exemplaires du VicBoone TPB ( 15€+fpd), même mail pour me contacter.

Eventually, there is an article of Pax Arena in the new Comic Box, to be continued in a next post...

Et enfin, vous trouverez un article sur Pax Arena dans le nouveau Comic Box, à suivre dans un prochain post...

lundi 17 décembre 2012

Pax Arena - End of Season 01

Thanks everyone for your support, this was a great experience and Pax Arena will come back in the first semester of 2013.

But Mast and I will be back before that. With colors this time.

Merci à tous pour votre soutien, Pax Arena fut une expérience géniale et la série reviendra au premier semestre 2013.

Mais Mast et moi seront de retour avant ça. Et avec de la couleur cette fois.
Mink print A3: 15€    Hiki & Hiko print A4:10€    Zoe print A4: 10€

Here is the prints we did for the Paris Comics Expo. We stille have some, so if you are interested, feel free to contact me geoffoarto[at]

Voici les prints que l'on avait réalisé pour le Paris Comics Expo. Il nous reste quelques exemplaires donc si vous êtes intéressés, merci de me contacter via geoffoarto[at]

mardi 4 décembre 2012

Pax Arena Week 08 - Last Issue

Final double-sized issue!
Hope you'll enjoy it feel free to leave some comments and to share!

Double épisode pour le final!
J'espère que vous allez apprécier, n'hésiter pas à laisser des comms et à partager!

dimanche 18 novembre 2012

Pax Arena Week 05 & 06

A bit late on the blog but not on Thrillbent.

Un peu à la bourre dans mes posts sur ce blog, mais sur Thrillbent ça va.

Also, Mast and I finally had the chance to meet Mark Waid, great moment.

Aussi, Mast et moi avons enfin eu l'opportunité de rencontrer Mark Waid, moment magique.

samedi 3 novembre 2012

Pax Arena Week 03 and 04

Being at the Paris Comics Expo made me skip the week 03.

Comme j'étais au Paris Comics Expo, j'ai oublié de poster la news pour la semaine 03.

And here is a sneak peek of what I did during the PCE (which was great):

Et ci-dessous un aperçu de ce que j'ai fait durant le PCE (qui était très bien):

mardi 23 octobre 2012

Pax Arena Week 03 teaser

This friday on Pax Arena: FIGHT. Still time to read the first two episodes for free on!

Ce vendredi dans Pax Arena: FIGHT.
Il est encore temps de lire les 2 premiers épisodes gratuitement sur!

Facebook page

vendredi 19 octobre 2012

Pax Arena week 02!

Pax Arena, WEEK 2! (Mast/ Geoffo/ Balak)

FREE, every Friday on Mark Waid's Thrillbent!

GRATUIT tous les vendredis!

N'hésitez pas à commenter et à faire tourner!

Feel free to comment and to share!

vendredi 12 octobre 2012

Pax Arena week 01!

PAX ARENA Week 01 (by MastGeoffo and Balakl) is available for FREE on Mark Waid's Thrillbent!

PAX Arena Episode 01 (par Mast, Geoffo et Balak) est disponible gratuitement sur le site de Thrillbent, dirigé par Mark Waid!

Disponible gratuitement en anglais et en français:


An 8-issues digital comics available for free on Mark Waid's Thrillbent!

Murder on Pax Arena! One of the space station’s accountants has been killed. Agent Zoë investigates, sure that Pax Arena’s very own administrator Kelvin Palance is involved.

Un turbo media e en 8 épisodes disponible gratuitement sur le site de Mark Waid, Thrillbent!

Meurtre sur Pax Arena! L’un des comptables de la station spatiale a été assassiné. L’agent Zoë mène l’enquête, persuadée que Kelvin Palance, l’administrateur de Pax Arena est dans le coup.

Genesis - 3d Animation movie

3eme et dernière animation que j'ai réalisé dans le cadre de mon cursus. Du coup on en a profité pour tenter quelque chose d'un peu plus expérimental. Riche expérience personnelle et professionnelle, pleins de questions qu'on n'aurait pas eu sur un film figuratif, bref du bon.

Mais je ferai pas ça tout les jours.

Here is the 3d and last animation I did for my school. And since it was the last, we tried something more experimental. A very great experience, both professionally and personally, with a lot of questions we wouldn't have on a figurative one. So, yeah, good one.

But I won't do it everyday.

mercredi 10 octobre 2012

Pax Arena for Mark Waid's Thrillbent!

Voici l'autre raison pour laquelle je n'ai pas posté grand chose ces derniers mois (et finalement cet été). THRILLBENT STUFF!

Here is one of the reason why I haven't posted much recently (and unfortunately this summer as well).

Nouveau turbomedia sur lequel je bosse!

Avec Mast et Balak, pour la maison d'édition Thrillbent, dirigée par Mark Waid!

Brand new digital comics I'm working on!

With Mast and Balak, for Mark Waid's Thrillbent!
Download the preview/ Téléchargez gratuitement un avant-goût -- PDF: or CBZ:

Comic Con 2012 - sketches part 02

Encre colorées + photoshop!

Colored ink wash + photoshop!

Batman (this one is available as a print A3 for 10 €)


samedi 14 juillet 2012

Comic Con 2012 - sketches part 01

Encre colorées + photoshop!

Colored ink wash + photoshop!



jeudi 28 juin 2012

Animation reel 2012

Voici une des raisons pour laquelle je n'ai pas posté grand chose ces derniers mois. LISAA stuff.

Here is one of the reason why I haven't posted much recently. LISAA stuff.

Les autres raisons arriveront cet été/en septembre. Mais je posterai plus, for real.

The other reasons will be known this summer/ in September. But I will post more, for real.

mercredi 20 juin 2012

Comic Con 2012

I will be attending the French Comic Con from the 5th to the 8th of July. 
Commissions (starting at 20€) and an exclusive look to my next projects will be there!

I'm also open to commissions before the Con, with cheaper prices than during the Comic Con! If interested, you can contact me at geoff_bl[at]

Je serai présent au Comic Con du 05 au 08 juillet.
Commissions ( à partir de 20 euros) ainsi que quelques exclusivités sur mes prochains boulots seront aux rendez vous!

Je fais aussi quelques commissions avant le festival, avec des tarifs moins chers qu'au Comic Con! Si intéressé, merci de me contacter à 

dimanche 29 avril 2012

Vic Boone: winner of the Reader's Choice Award!

Vic Boone won the Reader's Choice Award at Stumtown Comicfest 2012. Shawn Aldridge and I are damn very roud.

Vic Boone a gagné le Reader's Choice Award au Stumtown Comicfest 2012. Shawn Aldridge et moi on est un peu beaucoup content quand même.

samedi 21 avril 2012

Comics Chronicles : Focus on Geoffo

Comics Chronicles est un chouette blog français sur les comics qui m'a proposé de décrire ma manière de travailler sur une page. J'ai donc choisi une page de Vic Boone, et vous pouvez lire le tout ici.

Et vous trouverez d'autres FOCUS ici, avec notamment du Paul Renaud.

Comics Chronicles is a french nice blog about comics which offered me to describe my way of working on a page.
So I picked a Vic Boone page, and you can see the french version here.
Here is an english translation, without the nice interface:



Comic book, Illustration or animation, Geoffo is a multi talented artist with an innovative style based on differents cultures.
Visionary according to some, Geoffo makes the difference with his original and multifaced graphism.
In parallel to his animation school where he did Black Sun, Geoffo was published in the Vic Boone graphic novel in the United States. He also worked on the next Scarce cover, a french comic book magazine considered to be a reference in the world comic book field.
Geoffo is currently working on a revolutionary project for smartphone, Iphone Ipad and digital tablet that will be available in Autumn 2012


Former daredevil Vic Boone is a private investigator in a world etched by the science fiction of drive-in movies and early Hollywood. It’s a landscape of robots, ray guns, and regular Joes. But whether his client is a beautiful socialite or a brain that wouldn’t die, Boone is out to get the job done no matter how bizarre.


This is the page 09 from Vic Boone # 01. The first 3 sequences introduced the character as a private investigator, the sci-fi universe and its unhabitants (bad guys, fly man, robots and so on), while this new sequence brings the reader to the past and a more tormented aspect of Vic.
Shawn's scripts are clear enough to give a straight direction and yet they allow the artist to put his touch, or even add some panels (like I did with the first 3).
This page contrasted with the colored and rich aspect of the universe, and that's why I specifically push further the graphic contrast between black and white.
Thus, Vic sometimes appears only as a mere silhouette.
Panel 1: Boone sits on his bed, smokes a cigarette (hangs from his mouth). Nightstand next to it has a small glass of whiskey, bottle of pills, alarm clock, ashtray. The bedroom is moderately furnished. Not messy, but not overly clean. Bachelor pad. On the walls and dresser are a few pictures from Boone’s dardevil days.
Panel 2: Boone opening bottle of pills.
Panel 3: Boone throwing pills into mouth.
Panel 4: Boone taking drink of whiskey.


  PANEL 01 TO 03
The first 3 panels I added gives a solid past to Vic.
First and second panels are the symbol of a golden age, while the third one shows a past love.
In other words, theses differents elements are linked to a happy period of his life that he doesn't have any more.

Panel 01: "official" picture, showing both his costume and his motorcycle, so I used a knee shot
Panel 02: newspaper article, giving him a "legitimate" aspect, thus the importance of showing the title and some paragraphs.
Panel 03: close-up on a more intimate picture, far from the limelight. It also shows that he didn't always have his white streak. Family or past love, her simple presence on the picture emphasizes that the was important to Vic at some point.

  PANEL 04
A long shot panel which highlights the poor environment of the character, and thus his loneliness. Cigarette and alcohol contributes to this depressing atmosphere.

This is the only panel with background of the scene.

  PANEL 05/06/07/08
We focus on the bottle of pills melted with alcohol. The absence of background, the strong graphic constrast and the close up deepen the darkness of the scene.
To my mind, this page is my favourite (along with the 04 which shows the city), because from a graphic and narrative point of view I could stylised much more to create a strong atmosphere.

To conclude, this graphic "freedom" that Shawn and 215Ink allowed me to have during the whole mini serie helped me to bring a strong touch to this sci-fi universe, but also to slightly redesign the Vic Boone character, to give him more visual impact.
Indeed, I'm really glad to see the white streak that I designed gave birth to an "origin" short story about it (which is in the graphic novel) and his now definitively linked to the character design.

You can check more FOCUS on Comics Chronicles (notably one by Paul Renaud) here (french only).

mercredi 4 avril 2012

Scarce 78

J'ai réalisé la couverture du prochaine Scarce, le très chouette magazine de référence sur les comics, sortie prévue en mai!

I did the cover of the next Scarce, the very nice french magazine about comics, out in May!

samedi 10 mars 2012

Vic Boone TPB

Le TPB Vic Boone:Malfunction Murder qui regroupe mes 3 épisodes ainsi que quelques bonus sera publié le 30 mai!
Code pour le précommander: MAR12 1214

Vous pouvez le précommander dans vos comic shops préférés, ou via Gourvy!

Vic Boone TPB: Malfunction Murder with my 3 issues and some extra will be out on May 30th!

You can pre-order it at your local comic shop!

lundi 9 janvier 2012

Happy New Year everyone!

Pas mal de choses à venir de mon côté (ce qui veut dire que je vais encore tenir mon blog n'importe comment ah!)

Lot of stuff on its way this year (which means I'm not starting to publish daily on my blog soon ah!)